
Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

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Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs throughout the world. However, most countries have prohibited and classified it as an illegal drug. Even though it is considered an illegal drug, its use has increased dramatically worldwide. To understand the issue, it is important to understand the effects of marijuana.

Medical marijuana has been legalized in many countries, but it is still illegal. Several studies have shown that marijuana has some beneficial effects and can treat certain diseases. Why Marijuana should be legal essay, the legalization of marijuana would benefit millions of people who are suffering from several medical conditions.

Some of the benefits of marijuana are as follows:

  • It is a pain reliever.
  • It can be used to treat nausea and vomiting.
  • It can be used to treat glaucoma.
  • It can be used to treat muscle spasms.
  • It can be used to treat epilepsy.

The legalization of marijuana would also affect the environment. There is no doubt that marijuana grows well in a controlled environment. When marijuana is grown in a controlled environment, the amount of carbon dioxide released is much less than when it is grown in an open environment. This is because marijuana requires a lot of water to grow. The amount of water a plant consumes can be estimated through the amount of oxygen that the plant requires to grow.

There are many benefits of marijuana and its legalization. However, it is also important to recognize that marijuana has a negative side to it as well. Marijuana is not the only drug that has a negative side. Heroin is another drug that is widely abused and has a very harmful effect on the human body. Heroin is a powerful drug that can cause addiction. Many people have been addicted to heroin. It is highly addictive. The body becomes accustomed to the high level of heroin and becomes dependent on it.

Even though marijuana has a negative side, it is still widely used worldwide. One of the reasons why it is widely used is that there are many medical benefits to it. Legalizing marijuana would also help millions of people in the United States. It would also help people who are suffering from different medical conditions. Marijuana can be used to treat various medical conditions. It is, therefore, important to legalize marijuana in the United States.


Marijuana is a drug that is widely abused throughout the world and has many medical benefits. It is, therefore, important to legalize it. The legalization of marijuana would help millions of people in the United States. It would also help people who are suffering from different medical conditions.

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